Wednesday, January 26, 2011

The Magic House

Yesterday I went with Ellie's Kindergarten class to the Magic House. It makes sense why they call it this... Really an amazing kid's activity center! We spent most of our time in "the village" where there is a literal town you can explore and participate in..

A pizza restaurant... be a waiter, a customer, dishwasher, and check out your guests at a real cash register!

A marketplace... be a customer, a clerk, a stocker, a checker, with a real computerized scanner!

A hospital nursery... be a doctor, a nurse, feed, diaper and bathe the babies, fill out their official birth certificate!

A fishing pond!

An ice cream parlor... and Ellie's tonsils are all clear!

There was also a bank, a library, a post office... very fun!

And that was only one part of the Magic House... definitely going to have to go back!

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