Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Fun in the Snow

Just noticed this is my 600th post! ...........

Last Friday we had our 4th snow day. Actually Thursday was also a snow day, because we got a huge amt. and the temps were so low the next day that it all iced over. In Missouri, (doesn't this sound foreign in Texas!) if you have 4 snow days, you have to make up 1 school day. I guess it would just be unrealistic to make up ALL the snow days!

We are learning a bit more about snow...

-Buy a good quality sled. Sledding is no fun with a cheap-o sled.

-The big bag of salt from Lowe's doesn't last all winter. Next time, buy 2. And put the salt down the day BEFORE it snows.

-Snowmen aren't for day 1 of a snow. They are for day 2 or 3... it can't be too powdery or it will never stick together. Sledding, too, is more fun after a day or 2.

-Driving while it's snowing isn't that terrible. The visibility is a bigger concern than slippery roads.

-The school district won't notify you of a closing till 5:30am the day of. So just because you go to bed without a notice doesn't mean school is in session! Sometimes they send a text message, and sometimes a email. Check both!

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