Monday, January 31, 2011

Everyone is an Adict


You are thinking drugs and alcohol, right?

But we all have them. Some are obvious, and some are well-hidden. Here are some lesser-recognized addictions: Addicted to approval. Addicted to exercise. Addicted to being well-liked. Addicted to progress. Addicted to success. Addicted to self-blame. Addicted to others-blame. Addicted to convincing yourself you are OK. Addicted to cleaning. Addicted to shopping, spending money, or even SAVING money. Addicted to niceness. Addicted to emotionally hiding. Addicted to being the funny one. Or the serious one. Or the studious one. Or the ___ one. Addicted to video games. computer games. ipod games. Facebook. Blogging...

How can you tell what yours are? What things (or relationships, attitudes, ways of living)... that when you have to go without them, it really UNDOES you. Creates a ton of anxiety for you.

Do you have bad withdrawal headaches when you don't have your morning brew? Your body is addicted to caffeine.

Can you NOT STOP thinking about it, when you think you might have upset someone and you don't hear back from them? You are addicted to approval.

You get the idea. These addictions cause the same physical process in the brain, no matter what the addiction is.

In our counseling program, we don't have a whole course dedicated to addictions, but I've been reading a book called Addiction & Grace by Gerald May. I haven't agreed with everything he has said, but he has given a phenomenal account of how addiction works in the brain (I have always been fascinated by biology)... and moreso, had tremendous insight about what addiction does to a person's spiritual life.

In the coming few days, I hope to post some of his thoughts. Drink them in.

And along with them, think about your addictions. Name them. (And if you think "I'm not addicted to anything," ask Him to open your eyes so you can see!) Naming is the first step to being free from them.

Friday, January 28, 2011

A New Church Home

6 months in, we've finally settled on a new church home. We are joining The Journey. It is a multi-site church, with several campuses in the Saint Louis area. There is one teaching pastor, Darin Patrick, who teaches (by video) at all the sites. The video thing takes a little getting used to, but this frees up the other campus pastors to minister more fully in their different locations. The first time I heard him speak, (back in August), I said hastily-- "Hon, this is our church." Though we spent several months testing the waters and visiting other places, my hunch was right! I don't mean he's a good speaker. He is that, but not the most polished speaker I've ever heard. His preaching style is a little uncut. But more than that, he is vulnerable, real about his stuff, and brings you to the beauty of the cross--every time.

What do we love about our new church?

It is Christ-centered. When you walk out each week, your eyes are lifted up to Jesus. You DON'T walk out saying, "I'm going to try harder to be holy this week." (See this previous post for more what I mean on this point...) In the morning service, you are brought face-to-face with your sin, face-to-face with grace, and face-to-face with Jesus. Bring me to Jesus!

It is missional. Missional about grace-filled living in community. Missional about reaching the city of Saint Louis and advancing the church in the world. Missional about change and growth, and serving with your gifts. I don't mean they have a long list of ministries you can choose from. It has a feel of urgent gospel living.

We look forward to getting involved in community, and serving!

Here's a link to a sermon, if you'd like to hear Darin for yourself: Click on "sermons" and then "How Can I Know God." This was a powerful sermon!

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Diving into a New Semester

Classes start back for me today! This semester will be a bit of a marathon. 15 hours feels really tight, but it will be over in 4 months! In the meanwhile, I'm still waiting to hear about whether or not I have an internship slot for next year.

What's in store this Spring??

Intercultural Counseling- how race, gender and sexuality, socioeconomic status, and culture factor into counseling.


Dimensions of Multicultural Counseling: A Life Story Approach. Sara E Schwarzbaum and Anita Jones Thomas.

The Convergence of Race, Ethnicity, and Gender: Multiple Identities in Counseling. Tracy L. Robinson,

To Change the World: The Irony, Tragedy and Possibility of Christianity in the Late Modern World.

Career Counseling


Career Development Interventions in the 21st Century, 3rd ed Niles/Harris-Bowlsbey

Psychological Disorders


Abnormal Psychology, 11th ed. Sarason/Sarason

Understanding the Borderline Mother Lawson

Cross-Walks: ICD-10 / DSM-IV-TR Schulte-Markwort et al.

DSM-IV Desk Reference to Diagnostic Criteria

Handbook of Clinical Psychopharmacology For Therapists, 6th ed Preston

Crisis & Transition- Counseling children and in various life cycles, in times of crisis and change. (Boy do I feel like I'm a poster child for the transition process!)


Lifespan Development, 5th ed. Boyd/Bee

Counseling Children 3rd edition Geldard

Group Dynamics- Group therapy


Groups: Process and Practice, 8th Edition Corey, Corey and Corey

Theory & Practice of Group Psychotherapy, 5th ed. Yalom

Advanced Marriage & Family Counseling - A continuation of my FAVORITE class from last semester! I'm auditing this one... couldn't do 18 hours. Plus, as a full time student, right now I can audit it for free... Still not sure I have space for this in my schedule, but it's hard to pass up!

The Family Crucible Napier

Couples in Conflict: A Family Systems Approach to Marriage Counseling Ronald Richardson

Failure of Nerve Edwin Friedman

Anyone want to read along with me on any of these?? I love dialogue!!