Saturday, April 03, 2010

WHAT is finished?

So what did Jesus mean when He shouted "It is finished" at His final moments on the cross? These cultural nuances add such richness and depth to his monumental phrase.

I love these insights from a post by my friend Judy, taken from Henry Oursler:

The three words “It is finished” are actually one word in the original Greek language: Tetelestai. That word was typically used in six scenarios in Greek culture. They give us insight into the greatness of our salvation.

1. The word would be used by an Artist – when completing the portrait, at the last brush stroke, he would cry out: Tetelestai! The picture is perfect.

2. The word would be used by a Servant – when all the duties he had been given were finished, he would shout: Tetelestai! The work is completed.

3. The word was be used by Judges – when the prisoner’s sentence was completed, the court would stamp on the document a word that indicated the sentence had been paid in full: Tetelestai! Justice has been served.

4. The word was used by Priests – it was a sacrificial term used when they found a lamb that was spotless and without blemish. They would declare: Tetelestai! We’ve found the perfect sacrifice.

5. The word was used by Merchants – it was business term employed when a person finished paying their bill completely. The merchant would write out the word: Tetelestai! Paid in full.

6. Finally, the word was used by a Victor – it was a battle cry yelled on the field of battle or at an athletic competition when the enemy was defeated: Tetelestai! It’s over.

Tetelestai – Because of what Jesus accomplished on the cross, IT IS FINISHED!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh, I LOVE this!