Saturday, September 01, 2007

My New Life in China: Kathryn's Photo Journal Entry 2--

Here's my house!
Here's the living room looking south.

And here's the living room facing north.
Here you can see into the office in the back.
Taking pictures was fun at first, but now it's getting pretty boring.

OK this is better now: I took this one!
This is my room!

That first picture sort of looked like my room is clean, but normally it looks like this. I built this great tower to show you!

Here's the office with all the books! And that big cabinet on the right has all the FUN MESSY stuff like paint and glue. But it's locked; bummer.

Here's mom and dad's room. Mom had some really ugly curtains (even daddy said so), and she finally changed them. She said she thinks these look romantic, but I told her it takes more than curtains to make romance.

This is the only part of the kitchen mom said we could show.
We're making STOVE popcorn. We tried this after a friend showed us how, and we'll NEVER go back to microwave popcorn again!
Do you like my smile? Mom said the popcorn would burn if I didn't smile, (since she was determined to get the picture first), so I smiled really big. Maybe next time we can share our popcorn secret!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So fun to see where the Wallace clan lives! We MISS you guys!