Saturday, January 02, 2010

Taking Off...

I'm leaving in the morning (weather permitting, as it's snowing now!) for another city to take a counseling course for this coming week.  I'm really excited about this on many scores, the least of which include escaping the sub-zero temperatures forecasted this week.  High's in the mid 50's where I'm headed!! This class is offered by a school that offers a stellar program in this field, and it's the first class I've taken since Dallas.  So I am thrilled for challenging, mind-engaging, heart-engaging, learning and conversations!

Thanks to my sweet hubby for encouraging me to take advantage of this opportunity, and will be playing Mr. Mom for the next 6 days! 

More when I return...

1 comment:

Robyn said...

So glad you get to go, and that you finally got a flight out! Have a great week!!! Can't wait to hear all about it!