Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Soul Care #8: Knowledge Alone Doesn't Change

Assumption #1: Behavior is purposeful.
Assumption #2: Change happens in relationships.
Assumption #3: People are ambivalent.
Assumption #4: Not all problems are 'solvable'
Assumption #5: Good counseling is about lending hope.
Assumption #6: Change often begins in a dramatic moment but must continue in an ongoing process.

Assumption #7: Knowledge alone doesn't change. We often think that if we 'understand' our problem, it will go away. This is the assumption of a pure cognitive approach. 'If we give people all the right info, they will change...' Knowledge of doctrine doesn't change people. God changes people. You may have significant insight and know exactly what a person needs to hear, and you may deliver it in a loving and winsome way, but if God doesn't show up in your conversation, nothing will happen.

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