Tuesday, August 31, 2010

What We Fail to Notice

Think about this quote in terms of life change:

The range of what we think and do is limited by what we fail to notice. And because we fail to notice what we don't notice, there is little we can do to change; until we notice how failing to notice shapes our thoughts and deeds. --Daniel Goleman

It begs the question: How can you begin to notice what you fail to notice? Or to put it another way, how can you begin to see your blindness?



Gina Marie said...

I think one of the main ways is inviting others to speak into our lives and show us those things. I don't think we should always take what they say at face value, but honestly take them to God and ask, "Is this right?"

JB and Cathy said...

That's what I was thinking, Gina! Really, God has to show us our blindness. And I think He most often uses other people.

Tracie said...

Fun to see you on here friends! I remember you talking last year Cathy about knowing people well enough so that they CAN speak into your life... hope you are further down that road now. Know our lifestyle isn't so condusive to that sometimes!

wendy said...

He so often uses my husband (and even our kids!) to point out what's blinded me. They see stuff (sin!) in me that I've missed, dismissed, or have otherwise tried to justify. I am thankful that God is so patient, so gracious with me. I'm convicted because I'm not always, in fact, rarely that patient or gracious with my husband or kids.