Friday, November 06, 2009

How Long, O Blogger?

Scattered thoughts today.  I have, for the last 5 days, been attempting to post pictures from several events... Ellie's new robe (thanks Nana!); our HR "Pumpkin Palooza"; Family Fun Halloween Party; The dramatic and unexpected snow on November 1st (that my friend just read, was in fact a "staged snow"...

(Scientists 'cause' Beijing snow (November 2, 2009, BBC News) 
Chinese meteorologists say they brought about Beijing's earliest snowfall in a decade,  after seeding rain clouds with silver iodide to ease a drought. The Weather Modification Office sprayed clouds with 186 doses of the chemical to bring rain for the wheat crop, the Beijing Evening News said. But the arrival of a cold front caused heavy snow to fall, disrupting road, rail and air travel...) 

...So glad I reinforced to the girls-- "Don't eat the snow!" ...returning to my failed photo list...
...our homeschool co-op field trip, and our trip to the Red Leaf forest.  We've gotten out a lot in the last few weeks, because the long indoor season is approaching.  

But I've got a beef with Blogger.  They changed something about the way you post pictures, that technological peons like me cannot navigate.  I can download them, but once they are in the body of the post, I can't move them around.  How long, O Blogger, will you mess with my posts without reprieve? Piling login upon wasted login to a weary mom's plate? 

None of this anxiety, mind you, has to do with my husband's absence this week. 

So, this week I've been reading Habakkuk. He really is surprisingly out there. 

"How long, O Lord, will I call for help and you will not hear? 
I cry "violence" and you do not save?" ... 
--and a whole bunch of other comments like these

Have you ever had this kind of conversation with God?  So I'm conducting a survey.  OK, not a survey, but I'd love your comments. Do you REALLY feel free to say these things to God? Not just under your breath or from afar, but right up to His face, and trust Him to receive you, meet you, and love you at that place in your journey? 

I'm giving up posting the pictures for now.  But not on Habakkuk. In an ancient, cross-cultural, cross-generational sort of way, he feels like a wise old friend.


Unknown said...


You might suspect that there are very himble, intimate times with God, but for Pags, most are as you described! Like...HS days like...Why did You do that? I'm mad at You. More like two guys walking down a dirt road. But reverantly. Ask God, He knows what I mean.

Hope the picture snafu is corrected soon. Probably Obama's fault.


Robyn said...

Thanks for posting this. Sorry you're having picture posting problems. I hope it works out for you soon. I always have to choose which way I want to post them, and then that's how they turn out. Never tried moving them. But you've been doing this longer than I have. Thanks for sharing about Habbakuk.

Gina Marie said...

Have you heard the talk Honest to God? I think it was part of required NST at some point, at least for us. It might have been a talk from Josh M. Anyway, after that talk I think I embraced a deeper freedom to really tell God exactly what I think. Because the reality is, He knows it anyway. I'm not hiding anything by keeping it to myself.