This week in our study we looked at rejoicing in the Psalms. A mammoth topic to cover in one week! Our application point? Write a psalm of rejoicing! It was good for my soul. It's not something you whip out have to be in a certain meditative frame of mind, which comes rarely for most people. So-- maybe it would be good for your soul too? And if you write one, would you send it to me? I would love to rejoice with you!
Here is one shared in our group that I enjoyed...
O Lord, you are unfathomable, majestic, exalted over all.
Who knows the vastness of your great power, unrestrained but by your infinite wisdom?
You crafted the Himalayas with a word, humbling the strongest of climbers to stand in awe.
It is your footrest.
You crafted the human cell, baffling the most brilliant of scientists with its complexity.
It is a drop from your paintbrush.
A mama whale in the ocean depths gives birth; An ant crafts a labyrinth; A desert flower blooms at midnight only once a year...
You are their only audience, laughing with your Son, "Remember when we crafted that?"
Rejoice mama whale, tiny ant, desert flower, son of man--We are beautifully made!
O Lord, you are infinite in knowledge, upholding nations, guiding good and evil for your purposes.
Who can fathom your ways, your workings in time and history?
A corrupt dictator believes he holds the world in his hands, but you destroy him in a moment with one flick of your pinkie.
There is nothing you do not see. No act of injustice unnoted, where you will not bring about your perfect will for good.
The hearts of all peoples hunger for a king for all the ages; Just and good, selfless, bringing peace.
Millions upon million do not yet know; It is you--You are that King!
Rejoice, oh people of every nation, rejoice and be glad--He is our King!
O Lord, you are excellent beyond comprehension.
You rule over all your vast creation, and you see the newborn guppy.
You guide all of history towards its ultimate end, and you hold the mysteries of the single heart.
Who can hold together the diversities of your person?
Your vast intentions for the human race, and your personal stamp on one life?
We strain to see a glimmer; We fall down and tremble in fear.
You turn your face towards us, the face of your Son.
He bends down, bruised yet exalted, and says, "Come little ones, come!"
Rejoice little ones of every land; He invites us to come!
O Lord, what do you see in my one little heart?
Steady and wavering; Praising and doubting;
Passionate and forgetful; Concerned and indifferent
Pursuing my only hope and seeking other comforts;
Hungry for rich fare and filling up with junk food.
Running unencumbered and constantly tripping;
Full of your strength and full of my pride.
What do you say to that fickle little lamb?
You are mine and I love you. No condemnation, no guilt, no anger.
I am your shepherd who bought you; Your debt is paid.
You are safe in my fold; forever secure.
So run, little lamb, run and be free! Run Home to my arms forever.
Rejoice, little lambs! Rejoice and leap! Rejoice for He makes you run free!
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