Friday, October 24, 2008

I'm Out of the House!

“Why don’t you fix your hair anymore, mom?”

Yes, it has been a whole week since my daughter saw me wear my hair down or put on any make-up. This morning, I am out of the house for the first time in almost a week. I’m still feeling pretty puny but I couldn’t stand the thought of staying in another day.

This whole week pretty much feels like a “wash”. All I did was lie around while Jim took care of the girls. No writing on my study. Homeschool was abandoned. The girls watched more movies than I’d care to admit. What did I produce this week? Filling trashcans with kleenexes.

Why is that we are so prone to judge “success” based on productivity? Apparently, what God had planned for my week felt like a whole lot of nothing. Further lessons on a common theme… Why did I pray that prayer?? Lord, help me learn to find joy in whatever “distractions” you have planned for my week.

Ok, Ok—Enough already! :)

An earlier quote comes back to me…

“It is not feeling well when we're ill. Or doing well when we're ill. Nonetheless, it is possible for us to BE well by the grace of God, for spiritual wellness is a sheer divine gift.”

1 comment:

Gina Marie said...

I hear you Tracie! This week was a bit of a wash because I was sick with a headache and Megan was sick with a fever. Poor Ethan was pretty bored! Good thoughts on being well.