Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Transformation in the Middle

I’ve been chewing on Moses. After watching the Prince of Egypt movie for the first time last month, Kathryn has a deep fascination with the story. (And now we’ve watched it…at least 10 times?) The idea of slavery, Moses’ mother’s role, what Moses gave up, the powerful miracles… have all been fodder for great 5 year old-mommy conversation. She asks some awesome, penetrating questions that keep me on my toes! Hollywood’s portrayal isn’t 100% accurate, but they got some things exactly right.

Meanwhile, our dialogue has coincided with my reading of the Bible this year, which now puts me in the middle of Deuteronomy. You know what you see in the middle of Deuteronomy? The same guy who trembles at the thought of speaking a single sentence to Pharaoh has been completely transformed. His concise, powerful speech spans almost the entire book. A timid stutterer turned bold-faith expositor, we get to see the start to finish transformation.

For you and me, the evidence of change towards Christ-likeness can seem more obscure. At this point in our journey, you and I are “somewhere in the middle”—not where we came from, and not yet where He is taking us. Yet, as you look back, what can you see? What evidences of His transforming power do you see in your own life, “in the middle?”

Sometimes His fingerprints in my growth process seem sketchy, and at times I can be discouraged by this. You too? But as we look at Moses, then end from the beginning, we can take courage in our less-than-finished middle. We have the same promised end—“Standing in the presence of His glory, blameless with great joy!”

1 comment:

meh said...

What a great blog...so encouraging!!