Thursday, February 19, 2009

Snowgirl Caroline

Yesterday during the surprise (last?) snow of the season the girls and I went out and made a snowgirl affectionately named Caroline. We have a really cute picture book called Snow Ball, and it shows creative ways snowmen (or snowladies) can be decorated. We've been waiting all season. We collected popcorn kernels, almonds, Mike Ike candies, pink yarn, pipe cleaners, various scarf possibilities, and a sundry assortment of other parts for the big creation. The snow was quite powdery and it was difficult to pack it tight enough into balls, so Caroline is not your typical 3-tiered snowlady...she's more like a snow mound. But growing up in Texas you can't expect of me anything more than remedial snow skills.

Here she is...

Love the tongue action!

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