Sunday, March 25, 2007

Sentosa Fun

This week was a crazy time for us, as we hosted a family of 5 in our 3 bedroom apartment for a week! (That's 5 kids--5, 4, 3, 2, & 2; and 4 adults!) They will be joining our new team and came to Singapore to take part in some related meetings. We (moms at least-- I can't speak for all the meetings!) had a great time, played hard, listened to a lot of screaming children who missed lots of normal sleep, and were glad when the week was over! Even though K was hungry for some alone time, she asked me today, "Mommy, wouldn't it be fun if we found one BIG house and we all lived together all of time??!"

We capped off the week with a team trip to Sentosa, which is a small tourist island owned by Singapore and just swimming distance from the southern coast. We have been there as a family two other times to play on the beach, but yesterday all 6 families "did" the whole island! The sky tower, the 4D movie show, the ski lift and "luge" toboganning down the hill overlooking the ocean...and of course, the beach. Great team bonding with lots of sand and sun! Here are some of the best pics.

View from the sky tower looking North--
You are seeing the south tip of Singapore
towards the Malaysian continent.

Southern view -- nothing but ocean from there on out!

Eastern view

Western view-- You can see downtown and the
shipping yards. (Can you visualize all of our
earthly possessions in one of those tincy-incy
little crates?)

"No helmet, no ride" says the sign. So even Ellie
sported a floppy helmet for the toboggan ride

This is the famous Singapore "mermaid-lion".
Hard to see, but can you make out K & daddy lions too?

Famous Asian dessert -- "Ice ke chang"
It's shaved ice, flavoring, and yes, topped with CORN.
It tastes just like chocolate syrup... sort of.

Ellie had grand fun at this shallow depth pool

The funnest part of being buried in the sand is
breaking out!

This lookout tower boasts the southernmost tip
on the entire Asian Continent. Next stop-- Australia!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

why CORN? so random!