Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Counseling & the Gospel- Part I

Wanted to share some thoughts I've had lately about counseling and the gospel-- this excerpt from our recent newsletter.

The gospel —the power of God, demonstrated in the death and resurrection of Christ, addressing the universal scope of sin and brokenness, progressively transforming all areas of His creation. That’s way more expansive than “Jesus died for my sins so I can go to heaven.” Reversing the curse according to the gospel has a dramatically encompassing scope. Individual salvation? Yes! But much more! Your mind. Your emotions. Your body. Your family. Government. Politics. Culture. Arts. Social justice. Sexuality. Economics. Race. Gender. The gospel is designed to impact every corner of the planet and every corner of your heart!

What does that have to do with counseling? The broad scope of the gospel may sound fine until we start poking around difficult areas of our relationships. Sure, Jesus died for my sins. But can the gospel touch the conflict in my marriage? The ache of an estranged family member? A painful, unreconciled friendship? Nagging anxiety? Gripping fear of an unknown future? Relationships with a difficult co-worker? Your boss? Wherever your heart makes an exception clause to hope of the gospel’s promises is a place where counseling can powerfully enter. What do I mean?


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