Can you make out the words? Couldn't seem to make it bigger.
Mouse: I'm gonna start apologizing to all the people I've insulted by telling them, "I'm sorry that you were offended."
Pig: Is that a real apology?
Mouse: No. That's what's so great. It allows me to retain the impact of the original insult while tacking on the implied bonus insult of, "You are an oversensitive ninny."
Pig: But that's kinda rude cause it's sorta saying the guy is too dumb to realize that.
Mouse: I'm sorry that you were offended.
Pig: Apology accepted.
I came across this cartoon at J. Lee Jager's site. It's almost too true to be funny.
How many times have given an apology where you wanted to seem sorry but you really weren't? Just as concerned about preserving your view as you were giving them the impression that you regret hurting them? Ouch.
How many times have you received an apology where the person didn't own any offense? Where the apology really felt like, "I will be careful to handle you more gently next time, because I in my maturity can stoop to your excess sensitivity." Feels lousy, doesn't it?
I'm thinking this is a good measure for whether I have truly forgiven:
What occurs in my heart when I picture walking together alongside them to the foot of the cross?
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