Here's my 2nd observation about NT verses related to JOY:
Joy comes from rich fellowship.
Joy is often not me by myself. Our individualistic society whispers to us that the most spiritual thing we can do is spend time alone with God reading my Bible. Of course there is nothing wrong with reading my Bible. But these verses suggest that sometimes spirituality can be seeking out a spiritual friend, a mentor, or a co-struggler--those walking the journey of faith with you-- and sharpening one another. Follow the trail of these few verses if you like:
(2 Co. 7:4) When God saw that Paul needed some encouragment, He didn't tell Him "I am all you need." Rather, God sent Titus to comfort him.
(Phil 4:1, 1 Th. 2:19-20; 3:9) Joy comes from seeing others who are participating in the work of the gopsel and the life of faith with you.
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